One of the most fulfilling yet misunderstood expressions in the world is design. Be it functional, utilitarian, or for fashion, beauty and style, design plays a most vital role in our lives on a constant basis.
This keyboard I’m typing on now has been designed. The code to run the operating system has been designed. We consume design in ways we never stop to consider. This is where we at the House of BJORLIE attempt to bridge the gap.
As the old adage goes; “There’s nothing new under the Sun” does not always parse out when discussing design. We create new things every day; and if they’re not new, they’re at least unique to the individual designer.

Aesthetics and fashion, may not play as much of a significant role as say, the design of a commercial airplane. The color of the seats have no bearing on whether the plane will safely land, but the incorrect design and/or installation of the seats may compromise the integrity of the aircraft resulting in a fatal flaw costing lives and treasure. So on the order of importance, the “look” is not on the top of the list, but it is still important.

Studies on color story reveal a lot about the psyche and physical effects colors tend to have on human being. Some colors make you happy, some makes you hungry, while others makes you feel relaxed, etc… With this data, interior designers for hotels, restaurants, spas or even airplanes, are able to use it to tap into their consumers psyche. If hospital walls were all painted red, there would possibly be a lot more anxious patients. Conversely, it would be an appropriate color for the interior of a night club.
We at BJORLIE are looking forward to putting some of our design theories to the test with our high quality apparel, accessories, home decor and much more featuring our one-of-a-kind prints that challenge the way we think about fashion. From optical illusions, to kaleidoscopes, to Stereoscopic 3D prints, and even non-electronic analog animated jewelry, we are extremely excited to roll out this next-level fashion line.
Check out our SHOP for our latest releases. Bookmark the page and check back frequently for all the latest and greatest design trends.